Serena Lee // Wellness & Natural Lifestyle Blog // Vegan & Sustainable Lifestyle // London, UK


I’m Serena and here’s where I share the journey of living more healthily & mindfully. Thanks for stopping by!

Happiness, Now

Happiness, Now


Thiiiissss! πŸ™ Happiness *is* success. If you're happy doing what you're doing right now, you're already successful πŸ™Œ There is no "I will be happy when I have X, Y, Z..." because we stay in the shackles of craving - the source of discontent - until we break free from our happiness being dependent on things we can't control. Use the gap between where you are now and where you aspire to be as inspiration, sure. But know that up there ⬆️⬆️ is not where you *should* be. Right here βž‘οΈπŸ™†πŸ½β¬…οΈ in this very moment is where you *should* be. We're tricked into comparing our 'success' to the 'success' of others πŸ‘¬ who might be gaining in status, money, possessions, but might be miserable or working for causes misaligned with their own principles. It's not for us to measure the true success of another human, only your own 😌

Living in a way that's aligned with our principles, in our jobs, habits and behaviour, feels rewarding and therefore leads to being happy doing what we're doing. = Success βœ¨πŸ˜„

So may "what you want" be for a purpose bigger than the self - and this begins with intention, which means we can start right now. πŸ˜‡πŸ™

Vegan in Andalucia: My Airbnb Experience

Vegan in Andalucia: My Airbnb Experience

Crow Pose/Crane Pose for Building Wrist Strength

Crow Pose/Crane Pose for Building Wrist Strength