Serena Lee // Wellness & Natural Lifestyle Blog // Vegan & Sustainable Lifestyle // London, UK


I’m Serena and here’s where I share the journey of living more healthily & mindfully. Thanks for stopping by!

Four Ways to Keep Fashion Circular

Four Ways to Keep Fashion Circular

Could I be wearing any more clothes?

Clearing out our closets should not mean binning things with holes in (repair, re-wear) but, at the same time, hoarding more clothing than we'll ever wear isn't healthy either - especially when it could be given a loving home elsewhere. I'm happy to be collaborating with @loveyourclothes_uk to talk about a few ways to stop unloved clothes going in the bin.

  • SWAP WITH FRIENDS: When I started swapping clothes with friends, my wardrobe quadrupled in size without having to purchase anything. Monthly clothes swap parties are a great excuse to catch up and work sustainable fashion choices into your friendship circle.

  • SELL ONLINE: This was my favourite option as a student. I used @vinteduk and some other old websites (anyone remember Swop2Shop from 2009?) to sell & swap clothing and shoes.

  • CHARITY SHOPS: Clothes & shoes in good condition can be donated to your local charity shop

  • RECYCLING BANKS: If you keep your eyes peeled, these are everywhere! Often close to supermarkets 🛒 but also randomly in the street - I walked past two @traid banks today, where broken clothing can be recycled.

With all this talk of getting rid of stuff that doesn't "spark joy", it's important to work ‘mindful minimalism’ into the fabric of downsizing rather than dumping everything that doesn't spark joy in us right now.

What are your favourite ways to keep your wardrobe sustainable?


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