Serena Lee // Wellness & Natural Lifestyle Blog // Vegan & Sustainable Lifestyle // London, UK


I’m Serena and here’s where I share the journey of living more healthily & mindfully. Thanks for stopping by!

I believe in you.

I believe in you.

♥️ 7/12/2009. 53 years old. I now have friends who are older than my father was.

We only get one body. All the body wants is to be a thriving vessel for our souls to do the good work in this life.

So look after your body. Eat nourishing foods. Drink lots of water. Move well. Sweat often. Talk to your partner, family, friends, helplines, when times are hard. Talk to your network about the small stuff before it becomes big. Celebrate the successes of others, and keep those close who'll celebrate yours.

Want to give up alcohol? Stop smoking? Nurture a better relationship with food? Let go of draining relationships? The time is now.

Find an accountability buddy. Start tomorrow. You absolutely CAN do this. You are an accumulation of the strength of all those who came before you. You are the result of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. The power is within you.

On December 6th 2009, I'd spent the evening memorising a text for my Latin A-level exam and cutting up confidential papers from my part-time job for shredding. I went to bed. At 3am, I learned that my father's body - his vessel that just wanted to thrive so his soul could share his gifts - could take no more self-abuse. I signed to identify his precious body that afternoon. I signed to confirm that those were the arms that first hugged me. Those were the eyes that teared up with love as I reached milestones.

I wish he had treated his physical vessel better. For me, if nobody else.

Please, please, learn from my father and be the best you can be. I believe in you.

Late night thoughts on faith

Late night thoughts on faith

Email Template for Brands Using Influencers’ Children

Email Template for Brands Using Influencers’ Children